ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨ - Policies, principles and standards

policies, principles and standards

Policies, principles and standards

The guidelines that govern our business

This page is not a complete description of Group policies and standards, but offers an overview of those likely to be of particular interest to stakeholders, with links to the documents.

Standards of Business Conduct

Our Standards of Business Conduct are a set of global policies of ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨, expressing the high standards of integrity we are committed to upholding. The Standards apply to all Group companies and employees and require high standards of behaviour and integrity wherever our businesses operate.

Each operating company in the Group must adopt the SoBC, or its own standards reflecting them, and each employee is expected to know and comply with their provisions. General Managers and Heads of Function formally confirm on an annual basis that their market or business unit has adequate procedures in place to support SoBC compliance, and continuous information on performance against the Standards is gathered and reported quarterly to the Board Audit Committee.

Standards of Business Conduct

See also Standards of Business Conduct

See also Stakeholder engagement

Responsible Marketing Principles

Our Responsible Marketing Principles (RMP) govern our approach to marketing across our tobacco, nicotine and zero nicotine products and brands*. We believe tobacco and nicotine consumption is a choice for adults only. No one underage should ever smoke or use products containing tobacco or nicotine. Central to the RMP the requirement that our marketing is targeted at adult consumers only. The RMP are globally applicable and apply to all ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨companies, employees and anyone working on our behalf. We uphold the same high standards in every market we operate, even when they are stricter than local laws.

Adherence by our companies forms part of our regular internal audit process, supported by annual self-certification by management and Audit Committee review.

ÌýResponsible Marketing Principles (0.3 mb)Ìý

Employment Principles

Our Employment Principles build on our commitment to good employment practices and workplace related human rights.ÌýThey set out a common approach to our companies’ development of policies and procedures, while recognising that each company must take account of local labour law and practice and the local political, economic and cultural context.ÌýAll our companies have committed to the Employment Principles and, through our internal audit process, are required to demonstrate that they are embedding them in the workplace.ÌýOur auditing also monitors that our companies are strongly encouraging key suppliers to meet similar standards.

Employment Principles (0.1 mb)

Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Supplier Code of Conduct complements our Group Standards of Business Conduct by defining the minimum standards we expect our suppliers to adhere to in order to supply goods or services to ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨and any ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨Group company. This builds upon our long-standing commitment to operating to high standards of corporate conduct for both our own business operations and our wider supply chain. It also supports our continuing commitment to respect human rights and uphold international standards, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Supplier Code of ConductÌý

See also Supply chain management

Group Environment Policy

We accept that our companies’ operations affect the environment and we are committed to following high standards of environmental protection, adhering to the principles of sustainable development and protecting biodiversity.

Environment Policy Statement (143 kb)

See also Environment and climate change

Group Health and Safety Policy StatementÌý

We aim to apply the best international standards of practice relating to the health and safety of employees at work and non-company personnel on company premises and to give a high priority to these activities.ÌýThe Statement is backed by detailed specific requirements.

Group Health and Safety Policy Statement (49 kb)

See also Health and safety

Group Quality Policy Statement

BAT’s Group Quality Policy Statement formalises how we strive to deliver defect-free products, processes and capabilities that create sustainable value for our brands while exceeding the expectations of adult consumers. It is the responsibility of the ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨leadership team at all levels to ensure the understanding and implementation of this policy by providing the necessary processes, practices, procedures, resources, and training.

Group Quality Policy Statement (70 kb)

Product Stewardship Framework

Our Product Stewardship framework set out the steps we take to ensure our products are developed and manufactured responsibly. It reflects BAT's commitment to have products that meet consistently high quality and safety standards and guides the development and testing of all our products, ensuring we have a rigorous and systematic approach.

Product Stewardship FrameworkÌý(58 kb)

* This does not include products which are 1) Medicinal or smoking cessation products; 2) Non-inhalation products which do not contain nicotine or tobacco and which do not utilise a brand that is or has been used for tobacco or nicotine products; and 3) Sold by the Wellbeing & Stimulation business of ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨or BTV investee company.