We recognise that investors and other stakeholders seek ESG and sustainability information that is clear, comparable, consistent and financially material.
Given the large number of ratings and benchmarks out there, we are not able to actively participate in all of them. So, we prioritise the ones that matter most to our stakeholders and to us – and we review them on a regular basis. These are:
ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨received a rating of A (on a scale of AAA to CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment.
Latest update – Sep 23
ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨received an ESG Risk Rating of 31.1 from Sustainalytics and was assessed to be at high risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors.
Latest update – Jan 24
Best-in-class ISS Score - ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨received an ISS Environment and Social Quality Score of 1. Scores are ranked on a scale of 1 to 10. An environment quality score of 1 indicates better environmental disclosure.
ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨was awarded a Prime Status in June 2024. Companies are awarded Prime Status if the overall ESG Corporate Rating letter grade ​meets or exceeds the industry-specific Prime threshold defined by ISS ESG’s Industry Classification Matrix.
Latest update – Jun 24
Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI)
ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨scored 81 (out of 100) in the 2023 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (19 December 2023). Based on the S&P Global ESG Scores, ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨was selected for inclusion in the DJSI European Index. We have been included in the DJSI for 22 consecutive years.
Latest update – Dec 23
In 2023, we achieved A-, A- and A-, respectively, in the CDP Climate Change, Water Security and Forests assessments.
Latest update – Feb 24
Workforce Disclosure Initiative
Our 2023 WDI submission received a score which placed us in the top 20% of participating companies. ÌÇÐÄ̽»¨received special mentions in the ‘Workforce Action’ and ‘Value Chain Data’ categories.
Latest update – Oct 23
Bloomberg Gender Equality Index
We're proud to be included in the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index as one of the 484 companies worldwide committed to more equal and inclusive workplaces. The index measures gender equality across five pillars: leadership & talent pipeline, equal pay & gender pay parity, inclusive culture, anti-sexual harassment policies and external brand.
Latest update – Jan 23