
Dividend payments

Dividend payments

Dividend payments

About mandated dividends

Computershare Investor Services PLC (‘Computershare’), who are Registrars for ̽, operate a service that pays dividends automatically into shareholders' bank or building society accounts – mandated dividends.

This service gives shareholders a number of benefits and also helps ̽ improve its efficiency by reducing postage and cheque clearing costs.

Many of our shareholders are already benefiting from this service, if you have not already registered for this service you might like to consider doing so.
Benefits include the following:

  • there is no chance of the dividend cheque going missing in the post, so you will never need to worry about asking for a replacement;
  • the dividend is received quicker as the cash is in your account on payment date without the need to wait for a cheque to clear;
  • a single consolidated tax voucher is issued shortly after the end of each tax year in May, in time for you to complete your self-assessment tax return.

To register for this service, all you need to do is complete the Dividend Mandate Instruction Form which can be downloaded fromand return it to them.

Overseas shareholders

A Global Payment Service (GPS) from Computershare is available to the majority of our overseas shareholders to enable them to receive their dividends directly into their bank accounts rather than by Sterling cheque.

If you would like to take advantage of this service, you can register on line with Computershare. You will need your Shareholder Reference Number, the reference number of your bank (BIC code), your International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and your full name – all as shown on your bank statement.

Read the document below for a brief overview of the Global Payment Service provided by Computershare.

Global Payment Service (590 kb)

UK resident shareholders

For UK resident shareholders there remains the option to have your dividends paid directly to your Bank or Building Society by logging on toand registering with Investor Centre. You will need your bank account details, your full name as stated on your bank statement and your Shareholder Reference Number.

Alternatively, you may download and print a Dividend Mandate Form fromby selecting “Help” and “Printable Forms” or request that a Form be sent to you via post by calling the shareholder helpline on 0800 408 0094. By taking advantage of this option, postal delays will be prevented, risk of loss will be almost eliminated entirely and you will not have to visit your bank or building society.

IMPORTANT:changes from 2018 will affect the way that you receive your dividends. Find out moreinDividend payments by direct credit 2018